Thursday, September 8, 2016

 Problems & Resolutions

      Students don't know their expected learning results because it isn't as preached as more important  things such as school safety and rules. Our school should express the school's ESLR's by communicating the ESLR's through unique, creative ways to motivate students. I believe out of 1,000 people that attend Crenshaw High only 30 students know of the schools ESLR's due to the lack of recognition. Its important for students or any member of an organization to know their goal before starting so they are able to know how hard to work to make it before deadlines.

What ESLR's Mean to Me....

Expected School wide Learning Results
By graduation Crenshaw High School students will be:
  Proficient learners who:
1.       Show continuous growth towards mastery of academic standards
2.       Make meaningful connections between the curriculum and their career interests
3.       Demonstrate an awareness of various college and career opportunities.

Responsible Citizens who:
1.       Raise questions and actively pursue solutions and resources to resolve concerns
2.       Actively participate in community service and civic support activities
3.       Respect and appreciate a diverse and global society

Interactive Participants who:
1.       Take pride in producing quality individual and group work
2.       Actively engage in group discussions and structured learning groups
3.       Contribute their strengths to a variety of collaborative endeavors

Decisive Problem Solvers who:
1.       Use reasoning, planning, and evidence to support inferences made
2.       Apply skills and concepts in other contexts
3.       Analyze and synthesize information from multiple sources

Effective Communicators who:
1.       Read and discuss  various texts reflectively and critically
2.       Listen to and are respectful of differing points of views
3.       Effectively support written ideas with details and examples